Дистанційне навчання
Дорогі учні, ми працюємо дистанційно в Zoom. До зустрічі і не спізнюйтесь!
з 02.11.2020 - 06.11.2020
Урок англійської мови 03.11.20 відбудеться в 10:30.
ID 6678452808
Passcode xN1N99
Домашнє завдання: Book ex 6 p 34; learn the rules in table page 31, 32.
Урок англійської мови 06.11.20. Ви працюєте самостійно!!!!!
Book: VB p 38 (write down and learn); ex 2 (b) p 36, 37 (read, translate and match) ex 3, 4 p 38 (orally)
Домашнє завдання: Book ex 2 a p 39 (read); write about the items of clothing you wear the most.
з 09.11.2020 - 13.11.2020
Урок англійської мови 10.11.20 відбудеться в 13:30.
ID 6678452808
Passcode xN1N99
Домашнє завдання:
Прошу учнів виконані завдання скидати на мою електронну адресу.
Вкажіть ім'я та прізвище учня. Завдання виділені зеленим кольором виконувати обов'язково.
На домашнє завдання було виконати Test 1 , Test 2 з посібника Готуємось до ДПА.
Прошу учнів виконати тести і мені на електронну адресу написати свої правдиві результати.
Я виконав (-ла) Test 1. З 18 можливих балі я набрав (-ла) 15
План роботи на тиждень (16.03 - 20.03)
1. Урок
Test 3
Test 4
Test 5
2. Урок
Test 6
Test 7
Test 8
План роботи на тиждень (23.03 - 27.03)
1. Урок
Test 9
Test 10
Test 11
2. Урок
Test 12
Test 13
Test 14
Результати скидайте на електронну адресу!
План роботи на тиждень (30.03 - 03.04)
Надалі ми продовжуємо працювати ще й з підручником.
1 Урок
1) Повторіть в зошиті власні правила захисту навколишнього середовища або у вправі 5 ст 155.
Подивіться на завдання Help save the world! Поєднайте інструкції з картинками. Запам'ятайте і дотримуйтесь їх!!!

2) Поторіть умовні речення першого типу!!!
Умовні конструкції першого типу
First Conditional (умовне речення 1-го типу) – умовне речення, що виражає реальну або дуже ймовірнуситуацію в теперішньому або майбутньому часі.
В умовних реченнях 1-го типу в підрядній частині завжди використовується час Present Simple, а в головній частині, в залежності від ситуації, може використовуватися Future Simple, спонукальний спосіб або ж модальні дієслова can, must, may тощо з інфінітивом без частки to.
- Future Simple
- If I like this dress, I’ll definitely buy it. – Якщо мені подобається ця сукня, я її обов'Язково придбаю.
- Your feet will hurt if you wear these uncomfortable shoes. – У тебе будуть боліти ноги, якщо ти будеш носити ці незручні туфлі.
- If Jack decides to move to Florida, we will never see him again. – Якщо Джек вирішить переїхати до Флориди, ми його більше ніколи не побачимо.
- Спонукальний спосіб
- If you see Jessica tonight, give her this book, please. – Якщо ти побачиш Джессіку сьогодні ввечері, дай їй цю книгу, будь ласка.
- If oranges are not expensive, buy me two kilos of them. – Якщо апельсини будуть недорогими, купи мені їх 2 кілограми.
- Please, come to my place and help me if you are not busy tomorrow. – Будь ласка, прийди до мене додому та допоможи мені, якщо ти не зайнятий завтра.
- Модальні дієслова
- If you like this shoes, we can buy them. – Якщо тобі подобаються ці туфлі, ми можемо їх купити.
- You may stay at home next Monday if there is no work to do here. – Ви можете залишитися вдома наступного понеділка, якщо тут не буде ніякої роботи.
- Kate must get up really early if she gets this job in New York. It’s too far. – Кейт буде змушена вставати дуже рано, якщо вона отримає цю роботу в Нью Йорку. Вона знаходиться надто далеко.
В умовних реченнях 1-го типу в підрядній частині з заперечним значенням замість сполучника if можна використовуватися unless (якщо не) та дієслово в стверджувальній формі.
- You don’t have to do this unless you want. – Тобі не обов'язково робити це, якщо ти не хочеш.
- I will be very angry unless you clean your room. – Я буду дуже розлючена, якщо ви не приберетесь у своїй кімнаті.
- Matt won’t be able to go on holidays with us unless he saves some money. – У Метта не вийде поїхати з нами у відпустку, якщо він не назбирає трохи грошей.
- Зайдіть за посиланням і виконайте тест онлайн.
Виконайте чотири вправи на First Conditional в зошиті.( Або можна роздрукувати аркуш і виконати завдання на ньому) Скиньте на електронну адресу!!!
Вправа 1. Match the sentences halves.... Утворіть шість правильних речень з'єднуючи половинки.
Вправа 2. Complete the sentences. Поставте дієслово в дужках в правильній часовій формі
(Present Simple або Future Simple)
Вправа 3. Complete the sentences with the suitable verb tense. Поставте дієслова в дужках в Ptesent Simple або Future Simple.
Вправа 4. First Conditional Quiz Складіть п'ять речень.

2. Урок
Опрацюйте подану лексику. Запишіть в словник і вивчіть!!!
contamination [kən tæmi'nei∫(ə)n] - забреуднення, зараження
soil [soil] - грунт
interfere [intə'fiə] - втручатися, шкодити
emissions form industries [i'mi∫(ə)n] - промисловості, які випускають в повітр шкідливі речовини
including [in'klu:diŋ] - у тому числі
cause [ko:z] - причина
aerosols ['εərə sol] - аерозоль
have effects [i'fεkt] - мати вплив
ozone layer ['əuzəun 'leiə] - озоновий шар
protect [prə'tεkt] - захищати
ultraviolet radiation [˄ltrə'vaiələt reidi'ei∫ən ] - ультрафіолетова радіація
suffer from [s˄fə] - страждати від
municipal waste [mju:'nisipəl weist] - муніципальні відходи ( відходи мешканців міста)
industrial waste [in'd˄striəl] - промислові відходи
be up to (somebody) - нести відповідальність, залежати від (It is up to you.-Вирішувати тобі. / Все залежить від тебе.)
damage [dæmidჳ] - пошкоджувати
Виконайте дві вправи після тексту в зошиті. Скиньте на електронну адресу!!!
Вправа 1. Answer the questions Дайте відповідь на питання.
Вправа 2. Complete the sentences with should / shouldn't. Доповніть речення словами should / shouldn't.
План роботи на тиждень (27.04 - 01.05)
Vocabulary box page 163 (Write, translate and learn)
Read the text. Make a plan to the text and answer the questions below. (in written form) Скиньте на електронну адресу!!!
Extinct and Endangered Animals
There are no more dinosaurs living on the Earth. They are extinct, which means there is no longer a certain kind of plant or animal living anywhere in the world. A species is a certain group of living organisms, like dinosaurs, humans, birds, and many others. Scientists believe many organisms, along with the dinosaurs, died out when a large asteroid collided with the Earth. The collision caused a mass extinction, which occurs at a faster rate over a very short time-period.
There are usually two reasons for the extinction of animals and other living things. The first is naturally, which may take place when animals do not adapt to natural changes in their environment. For example, if the habitat of a bird suddenly changes, and if the bird does not adapt, it could become extinct.
Examples of naturally occurring extinction may take place during a change in the climate. This took place during the Ice Age when the temperature of the Earth was much lower. During a natural extinction, the species may be eliminated by new predators that move into their environment. The food needed to survive may no longer be available.
Another example of this type of extinction was the wooly mammoth, a relative of the elephant, which died out 10,000 years ago due to climate change and the disappearance of its habitat.
The second reason for the extinction of animals is human interaction, which includes hunting and habitat destruction caused by people. An animal's environment may be destroyed by pollution or construction, such as the destruction of parts of a rainforest. Humans also overhunt sometimes wiping out an entire species. In addition, the moving of non-native species into an area where they are not usually found may lead to the extinction of another species.
Examples include the Dodo bird that became extinct due to overhunting and other animals moving into its environment. The passenger pigeon died out due to the destruction of its habitat, as well as overhunting. There are many animals that have become extinct, but when animals are in danger of becoming extinct, yet still survive, they are called endangered animals.
Endangered means a plant or animal is at risk of becoming extinct. This occurs when the population of a certain animal is so low, that they are in danger of dying out forever and becoming extinct. The reasons for an animal to become endangered are mostly the same as for those that have become extinct. There are many animals in the world today that are on the endangered species list. Some are so in danger of becoming extinct, they can only be found in a zoo.
Some of the endangered animals in the world as of 2017 include the black rhino, found in Africa, where hunting has led to the decline of its population with fewer than 5,000 of them still surviving. The orangutan found in the country of Malaysia is a highly intelligent relative of the ape family, but it too has been endangered due to the loss of their habitat and overhunting. The blue whale is endangered and threatened by climate change, habitat loss, and poisonous substances in the water. Finally, two other endangered species examples include the Bengal tiger, giant panda, mountain gorilla, sea lions, and others.
A: Sea lions
B: Wooly mammoths
C: Bengal tigers
D: Giant pandas
A: Dinosaurs
B: Orangutans
C: Carrier pigeons
D: Dodo birds
A: Climate change
B: Habitat destruction
C: Overhunting
D: All the above
A: Extinction of another species
B: An increase in new food sources
C: Endangered species
D: Loss of land resources
A: An extinction that occurs at a faster rate compared to a typical extinction
B: An extinction of just one animal or plant species
C: An extinction in just one area of the world
D: All the above
A: Natural
B: Human interaction
C: Mass
D: None of the above
Read about Endangered Animals of Ukraine. Write down information about them into your copybook.
Vocabulary Write down into your vocabulary and learn them.
be distributed - поширювати, розподіляти
continuously - безперервно, постійно
density (densities) - густота. щільність
compared to.. - порівнюючи з
number - налічувати, нумерувати (дієсл)
tarpan -
subspecies - підвид, різновид
captivity - полон, поневолення
although - хоча; незважаючи на те, що
sources - джерела
claim - стверджувати
genuine['dჳenjuin] - справжній, істинний, непідробний
due to - завдяки, у зв'язку з
resemblance - схожість, подібність
domesticated - приручений
bustard -
genus [dჳi:nəs]- рід, сорт ,вид
breed - порода (ім); розмножуватися, плодитися (дієсл)
temperate - стриманий, поміркований, помірний
resident - постійний мешканець
according to - згідно з

Exercise 3, 4 page 158 Do them in written form. Скиньте на електронну адресу!!!
План роботи на тиждень (11.05 - 15.05)
Дайте відповіді на питання. Виконайте завдання в зошиті.Скиньте на електронну адресу!!!

Виконайте в зошиті два завдання. Пишіть повністю (не 1-b ....) Скиньте на електронну адресу!!!

План роботи на тиждень (18.05 - 22.05)
Розпочинаємо вивчати нову тему The UK Today.
1) Опрацюйте подану лексику. Запишіть в словник і вивчіть!!!
to include [in'klu:d] - містити в собі
to consist of [kәn'sist] - складатися з
to mention ['men∫(ə)n] - згадувати, посилатися на
to refer to [ri'fз:] - посилатися на, направляти до
to separate ['sepəreit] - відокремлювати
to be separated from - бути відокремленим від
to divide [di'vaid] - розділяти
to manipulated [mə'nipjuleit] - маніпулювати
to influence ['influəns] - впливати
influenced - що знаходиться під впливом
to occupy ['okjupai] - займати, захопити, окуповувати
to conquer ['koŋkə] - завойовувати
to be washed by - омиватися
to be situated in ['sit∫ueitid] - бути розташрваним
to be surrounded by [sə'raundid]- бути оточеним,
to border (on) ['bo:də] - межувати
to produce [prə'dju:s] - виробляти
thanks to... - завдяки, через
due to ... [dju:]- завдяки, у зв'язку з
to be located [ləu'keitid] - розташовуватися, бути розташованим
to represent [repri'zent] - представляти
thistle ['Өis(ə)l] - будяк, чортополох
prickles ['prik(ə)lz] - колючки, шипи
mystery ['mistəri] - таємниця
2) Підручник вправа 3 ст 184 (читати) Вправа 4 ст 185 (письмово) Скиньте на електронну адресу!!!
3) Підручник вправа 7 ст 186, 187. Дайте відповіді на питання (письмово). Скиньте на електронну адресу!!!
1) What are four countries in the UK?
2) How did England get its name?
3) What is the capital of England?
4) What is the name of flag of England?
5) When do they celebrate the national day in England?
6) What is the national symbol of England?
Прочитайте про Об'єднане Королівство, Уельс і Шотландію. Законспектуйте важливу інформацію і вивчіть її.

Семестрові контрольні роботи !!!
I. Семестрове читання (Summative Reading)
Прочитайте текст і виконайте завдання після нього.
A Nest Eggs
I went to school that day. It was better than staying at, home waiting for the next crazy thing to happen. I didn't speak all day, not a the bus to school not in school, not on the bus home, not a word. I went home and walked back to the marsh. The yellow machine was not there, but it had left a mess. And there were no geese. I stood quietly and looked all round, but I didn't see any geese. Then suddenly I saw something. Eggs - a nest of them. Six eggs in a nest - six beautiful eggs. but no mother goose. I looked at the marsh again. No mother. No father. Where were they? Dead? Or afraid? Will they come back? I thought. I was there for a long time, a very long time. But I didn't see or hear one goose. I looked at the eggs. How will they live without a mother to warm them? For a long time, I stood there. I'll find a place for them, I thought, a warm place...
No, I can't. Nobody can be their mother. But why not? I thought. I must make a warm place for them, then they'll live... No, I can't... Then I thought about my mum. I thought about her, and I heard her speak to me in my head."Why not?" I heard her say. 'Who says you can't do it, Amy? I think you will be a very good mum." I smiled and looked at the eggs. Can I be their mother? Can I find - or make - a place for them? Where? My room? No, Dad will be angry. In the garage? Yes, the garage is best. I looked at the eggs again. "I'll be back", I said to them. Then I ran to the garage.
I got there and stopped. Can Dad help? No. He'll say no, he'll say school is more important. Better not say anything. In the garage I looked for a warm quiet place. I looked at the table. There was a cupboard under it. Yes, the cupboard wiill be warm. I found an old dress and took it back to the marsh with me. Down at the marsh, I walked carefully through the water. The eggs were there. Very carefully I began to put them into the old dress. They were cold. The babies are dead! I thought. No, they'll be OK. I'll warm them. "You're cold now", I said to them, "but you'll warm up. You'll be OK."
After I put them in the dress, I thought, are there other nests, other babies without mothers? Carefully I walked across the marsh. And I found them. Ten more eggs in different nests. At every nest I stopped, then took the eggs. "You'll be OK", I told them. Sixteen eggs. Sixteen babies without mothers. In the garage I made the nicest nest in the cupboard. Then I put the eggs in the nest, all soxteen of them. When I finished, I stood up and looked at them. Was it warm enough in the cupboard? I found the big light Dad used for his work. Carefully I put the light in the cupboard. Yes, it was warm, very warm. The babies will love it. They will think their mum is here. I quietly closed the cupboard door. "You'll be OK now", I said to them. " I promise. Your mum's not here, but you're going to be OK."
I went to school that day. It was better than staying at, home waiting for the next crazy thing to happen. I didn't speak all day, not a the bus to school not in school, not on the bus home, not a word. I went home and walked back to the marsh. The yellow machine was not there, but it had left a mess. And there were no geese. I stood quietly and looked all round, but I didn't see any geese. Then suddenly I saw something. Eggs - a nest of them. Six eggs in a nest - six beautiful eggs. but no mother goose. I looked at the marsh again. No mother. No father. Where were they? Dead? Or afraid? Will they come back? I thought. I was there for a long time, a very long time. But I didn't see or hear one goose. I looked at the eggs. How will they live without a mother to warm them? For a long time, I stood there. I'll find a place for them, I thought, a warm place...
No, I can't. Nobody can be their mother. But why not? I thought. I must make a warm place for them, then they'll live... No, I can't... Then I thought about my mum. I thought about her, and I heard her speak to me in my head."Why not?" I heard her say. 'Who says you can't do it, Amy? I think you will be a very good mum." I smiled and looked at the eggs. Can I be their mother? Can I find - or make - a place for them? Where? My room? No, Dad will be angry. In the garage? Yes, the garage is best. I looked at the eggs again. "I'll be back", I said to them. Then I ran to the garage.
I got there and stopped. Can Dad help? No. He'll say no, he'll say school is more important. Better not say anything. In the garage I looked for a warm quiet place. I looked at the table. There was a cupboard under it. Yes, the cupboard wiill be warm. I found an old dress and took it back to the marsh with me. Down at the marsh, I walked carefully through the water. The eggs were there. Very carefully I began to put them into the old dress. They were cold. The babies are dead! I thought. No, they'll be OK. I'll warm them. "You're cold now", I said to them, "but you'll warm up. You'll be OK."
After I put them in the dress, I thought, are there other nests, other babies without mothers? Carefully I walked across the marsh. And I found them. Ten more eggs in different nests. At every nest I stopped, then took the eggs. "You'll be OK", I told them. Sixteen eggs. Sixteen babies without mothers. In the garage I made the nicest nest in the cupboard. Then I put the eggs in the nest, all soxteen of them. When I finished, I stood up and looked at them. Was it warm enough in the cupboard? I found the big light Dad used for his work. Carefully I put the light in the cupboard. Yes, it was warm, very warm. The babies will love it. They will think their mum is here. I quietly closed the cupboard door. "You'll be OK now", I said to them. " I promise. Your mum's not here, but you're going to be OK."
Завдання пишіть в зошиті. Речення пишіть повністю. ( Можна завдання роздрукувати і виконати)
Якщо виконуєте в зошиті, то напишіть дату:
Tuesday, the 26th of May
Summative Reading
A Nest Eggs
I. Choose the correct variant. / Оберіть правильну відповідь.
1) The narrator's name is _____
a) Mary b) Annie c) Betty d) Amy
2) From the first paragraph, the reader knows that ______
a) The narrator is lonely. b) The narrator has no mother.
c) The narrator is afraid of her father. d) The narrator is unable to speak.
3) From the story, the reader can learn that a marsh is probably ______
a) wet b) full of trees c) cold and windy d) planted with crops
4) The narrator is helped in her decision about the eggs by ______
a) her father b) a baby goose c) a mysterious voice d) a book she is reading
5) The narrator goes home in order to ______
a) ask permission b) find a safe location c) get warm and put on boots d) change into a dress
6) When she sees the nest of eggs, the narrator wonders _______
a) if the mother has been scared away b) if the mother has been killed
c) if the mother will come back d) all of the above
7) The narrator decides to keep the eggs a secret because ______
a) she wants to have a friend b) she misses her mother
c) she is afraid her father will say no d) she is afraid they will not hatch
8) The narrator is feelong sorry for eggs with no mothers because ______
a) she has no mother b) the eggs are cold c) the nest looks lonely all by itself in the marsh
d) the yellow machine has frightened them
9) While she is collecting the eggs from the nest, the narrator _______
a) thinks about her fathernd his work b) wonders whether the eggs will hatch
c) worries that she cannot be their mother d) is sad because the mothers are gone
10) The narrator is able to keep the eggs warm because she _____
a) wraps them in a warm dress b) puts them in a cupboard
c) borrows a lamp that makes heat c) puts them in her bedroom which is warm
A Nest Eggs
I. Choose the correct variant. / Оберіть правильну відповідь.
1) The narrator's name is _____
a) Mary b) Annie c) Betty d) Amy
2) From the first paragraph, the reader knows that ______
a) The narrator is lonely. b) The narrator has no mother.
c) The narrator is afraid of her father. d) The narrator is unable to speak.
3) From the story, the reader can learn that a marsh is probably ______
a) wet b) full of trees c) cold and windy d) planted with crops
4) The narrator is helped in her decision about the eggs by ______
a) her father b) a baby goose c) a mysterious voice d) a book she is reading
5) The narrator goes home in order to ______
a) ask permission b) find a safe location c) get warm and put on boots d) change into a dress
6) When she sees the nest of eggs, the narrator wonders _______
a) if the mother has been scared away b) if the mother has been killed
c) if the mother will come back d) all of the above
7) The narrator decides to keep the eggs a secret because ______
a) she wants to have a friend b) she misses her mother
c) she is afraid her father will say no d) she is afraid they will not hatch
8) The narrator is feelong sorry for eggs with no mothers because ______
a) she has no mother b) the eggs are cold c) the nest looks lonely all by itself in the marsh
d) the yellow machine has frightened them
9) While she is collecting the eggs from the nest, the narrator _______
a) thinks about her fathernd his work b) wonders whether the eggs will hatch
c) worries that she cannot be their mother d) is sad because the mothers are gone
10) The narrator is able to keep the eggs warm because she _____
a) wraps them in a warm dress b) puts them in a cupboard
c) borrows a lamp that makes heat c) puts them in her bedroom which is warm
II. Answer the questions. / Дайте відповіді на питання.
1) Where did the narrator go after school?
2) What did the narrator see at the marsh?
3) What did she plan to do with the eggs?
4) Why was a garage a good place for eggs?
5) Where did the narrator finally place the eggs?
Скиньте на електронну адресу. Обов'язково!
Семестрові контрольні роботи !!!
II. Семестрове аудіювання (Summative Listening)
Зайдіть за посиланням. Прослухайте відео і виконайте завдання.
Завдання виконайте в зошиті. (Можна роздрукувати) Речення в другому завданні пишіть повністю.
В зошиті напишіть дату:
Wednesday, the 27th of May
Summative Listening
Task I. Write a, b, or c
1) _____ 7) ______
2) _____ 8) ______
3) _____ 9) ______
4) _____ 10) ______
5) _____ 11) ______
6) _____ 12) ______
Robin Hood
Task II. Write true / false
1) Robin Hood was loved by rich people. ___________
2) Robin Hood was a legendary hero. _________
3) He was tall. _________
4) He was strong and handsome. __________
5) His stories were heard everywhere. __________
6) He never hurt the weak. _________
7) Robin's uncle was killed in a terrible fight. __________
8) Robert was saved in a terrible fight. __________
9) He stopped fighting and ran away to the forest. __________
10) Robin was in Sherwood Forest. ________
11) Several men joined Robin in the forest. _________
12) Robin Hood became a leader. _________
Скиньте на електронну адресу. Обов'язково!
Семестрові контрольні роботи !!!
III. Семестрове письмо (Summative Writing)
Виконайте в зошиті. (Можна виконати на аркуші А4)
Friday, the 29th of May
Summative Writing
Write a story. Choose the topic.
Напишіть розповідь (16 речень). Оберіть тему.
Теми на вибір:
1) Write about the inventions that make our life easier.
2) Write how you can protect the environment.
3) Write what countries you would like to visit. Why?
Скиньте на електоронну адресу! Обов'язково
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