Дистанційне навчання
Дорогі учні, ми працюємо дистанційно в Zoom. До зустрічі і не спізнюйтесь!
Дистанційний урок англійської мови в zoom 16.12.20.
ID 6678452808
Passcode xN1N99
Time 12:30
з 02.11.2020 - 06.11.2020
1) Урок англійської мови 04.11.20 відбудеться в 12:30.
ID 6678452808
Passcode xN1N99
Домашнє завдання: Book ex 4 a p 35 (write true or false sentences)
2) Урок англійської мови, який ви повинні опрацювати самостійно!!!!!
§ 1 p 257 (повторити правила) § 4 p 258 (повторити правила)
Домашнє завдання: Book ex 2 p 37 (написати)
з 09.11.2020 - 13.11.20
1) Урок англійської мови 09.11.20 відбудеться в 14:30.
ID 86435041875
Passcode Vnec9P
Домашнє завдання: Book ex 5, 6 p 38
2) Урок англійської мови 11.11.20, який ви повинні опрацювати самостійно!!!!!
Book ex 6 p 43 (читати і перекладати) ; ex 7 (a) p 44 (дати відповіді на питання усно);
Домашнє завдання: Bookex 7 (b) p 44 (перекласти вирази в табличці, скласти правдиві речення про себе письмово)
з 16.11.2020 - 20.11.20
1) Урок англійської мови 16.11.20 відбудеться в 14:30.
ID 6678452808
Passcode xN1N99
Домашнє завдання:
2) Урок англійської мови. Ви працюєте самостійно!!!!!
Thursday, the twelfth of November
На платформі "На Урок" виконуємо тест. Тест виконати сьогодні 12.11.20 до 20:00 !!!
У вас буде лише одна година на виконання тесту.
Код доступу 3622290
Прошу учнів виконані завдання скидати на мою електронну адресу.
Вкажіть ім'я та прізвище учня. Завдання виділені зеленим кольором виконувати обов'язково.
План роботи на тиждень (16.03 - 20.03)
1. Урок
Підручник вправа 7 ст 146. Читати, виписати слова і вивчити.
Сьогодні ми вивчимо як утворюється і вживається Past Simmple Passive
В англійській мові дієслова вживаються в активному стані (the Active Voice) і пасивному стані (the Passive Voice)
Ми вже знаємо, що Present Simple Passive утворюється так:
am / is / are Verb3 (-ed)
Якщо необхідно вказати ким виконується дія, тоді додаємо by me (you, him, her, them, us) ......
Приклад My room is cleaned by me every Saturday. Thoudands of emails are sent by office workers.
- My room isn't cleaned by her every Saturday. - Thousands of emails aren't sent by teenagers.
? Is my room cleaned by me every day? ? Are thoudands of emails sent by office workers.? Yes, it is. No, it isn't. Yes, they are. No, they aren't
Тепер поговоримо про Past Simmple Passive
Він утворюється так:
was / were Verb3 (-ed)
Ще один приклад
+ Song "Yesterday" was released in 1965
- Song "Yesterday" wasn't released in 1965
? Was song "Yesterday" released in 1965?
Yes, it was. No, it wasn't.
W? When was song "Yesterday" released?
Зайдіть на наступні два посилання і виконайте онлайн тест.
Підручник вправа 1, 2 ст 146, 147 Написати в зошиті.
2. Урок
Виконуємо письмово вправи. Виконані вправи надішліть на мою електронну адресу.
1. Fill in the verb in the Past Active or Passive Voice.
- The Cape of Good Hope ... (discovered / was discovered) by Bartolomeo Dias.
- The clown ... (entertained / was entertained) the public.
- We ... (arrived/ were arrived) at the camp in time.
- Many experiments ... (did/ were done) under water.
- Many people ... (invited / were invited) to the festival.
- They ... (discussed / were discussed) many exciting things.
- I ... (learnt / was learnt) many interesting things in this unit.
- What artist ... (painted / was painted) this picture?
2. Read the text. Put the verbs in brackets in Past Simple Passive. Guess the famous object.
This old building is in one of the countries of Europe. It’s not a natural object. It 1_______ (to make) by man a long time ago. Now it 2____________ (to see) as a tourist attraction. It’s a famous old building. It 3__________ (not to build) by the Romans. Galileo, the famous scientist, dropped heavy objects from this building to make his experiments. The upper floor 4 ___________ (to complete) in 1319. It 5_________ (to build) by Tommaso Pisano. The largest bell of the building 6 ____________ (to install) in 1655. The bell-chamber 7___________ (to add) in 1372.
3. Write sentences. Use the past simple passive.
my laptop / steal / last week.
the men / arrest / by the police
the painting / sell / for £500
the goal / score / by Raul
these cars / make / by robots
4. Change the active sentences into passive sentences.
- They played the match in the evening.
- They calculated the answers very quickly.
- They filmed the movie in black and white.
- They sent the e-mail yesterday.
- They built our house ten years ago.
- Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
- The shopkeeper opened the shop at nine o'clock.
План роботи на тиждень (23.03 - 27.03)
1. Урок
Повторіть утворення Passive Voice з попередніх уроків.
Спеціальні питальні речення в Past Simple Passive Voice утворюється так:
W + was (were) ......... Verb3 (-ed)
When was this book published?
Where were you invited?
Підручник вправа 5, 6 ст 148 (письмово) Скинути на електронну адресу!
А зараз дізнаємося про найпопулярніший британський гурт The Beatles
Прочитайте текст. Перекладіть (усно), випишіть невідомі слова і вивчіть їх.
The Beatles to this day are one of the most famous and popular rock'n'roll groups in the world. The group shattered many sales records and had more than fifty top hit singles. The Beatles started a new era of music. Their music was unusual because most rock was strong beat with no melody, and they added melody to the rock. The Beatles also added strong and meaningful lyrics.
The group included George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and Richard Starkey (Ringo Starr). All of the Beatles where born and raised in Liverpool, England. John Lennon was the leader of the band, one of the two lead singers, the rhythm guitarist and a song writer. George Harrison was the lead guitarist. Paul McCartney was a song writer, one of the two lead singers, and a bassist. Ringo Starr played the drums.
The Beatles were discovered on November 9, 1961 by Brian Epstein, a manager of a record store in Liverpool. The Beatles early music was influenced by singers Bob Dilan, Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley. Their first two song were Love Me Do and Please, Please Me. After a while their own musical ideas started to emerge, and their music developed from naive and simple to sophisticated. The Beatles starred in two feature films, A Hard Days Night, which earned 1.3 million dollars in its first week, and Help. They also had their own full length cartoon called Yellow Submarine.
In 1964 The Beatles came to New York City for the first time and were an instant success. A couple of weeks later after their New York appearance, the five best selling records were by The Beatles; they became world-famous. They introduced a new style in clothing and appearance, too. They wore their hair long and shaggy, and soon all over the world people started wearing the Beatles haircut. They were so popular that 'Beatlemania' emerged. In 1967 the Beatles directed a movie Magical Mystery Tour about themselves, in which they toured the English countryside in search of wonder, fun, and magic.
In 1970 the world-famous and world-loved Beatles separated. Thirty-five years later, in 2005, the American entertainment industry magazine Variety named them the most iconic entertainers of the 20th century.
Виконайте вправу 4а ст 150 (усно) Деяку інформацію знайдіть самостійно.
А зараз зайдіть на посилання і прослухайте одну з найпопулярніших пісень гурту The Beatles,
пісню "Yesterday"
Спробуйте заспівати самостійно)))
Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away.
Now it looks as though they're here to stay.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be.
There's a shadow hanging over me.
Oh, yesterday came suddenly.
Why she had to go?
I don't know, she wouldn't say.
I said something wrong.
Now I long for yesterday.
Yesterday love was such an easy game to play.
Now I need a place to hide away.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Why she had to go?
I don't know, she wouldn't say.
I said something wrong.
Now I long for yesterday.
Yesterday love was such an easy game to play.
Now I need a place to hide away.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Mm mm mm mm mm mm mm.
Now it looks as though they're here to stay.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be.
There's a shadow hanging over me.
Oh, yesterday came suddenly.
Why she had to go?
I don't know, she wouldn't say.
I said something wrong.
Now I long for yesterday.
Yesterday love was such an easy game to play.
Now I need a place to hide away.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Why she had to go?
I don't know, she wouldn't say.
I said something wrong.
Now I long for yesterday.
Yesterday love was such an easy game to play.
Now I need a place to hide away.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Mm mm mm mm mm mm mm.
Підручник вправа 4 с ст 151, 152 (читати) Вправа 5 а ст 153 (письмово) Скинути на електронну адресу!
2. Урок
Лексика (запишіть в словник і вивчіть)
be at rest - відпочивати
be on the move - рухатись
sign autographs[sain o:təgra:f]- давати автограф
have active public life - вести активне громадське життя
unique [ju:ni:k]- унікальний
enigmatic [εnig'mætik]- загадковий
become evident [εvidənt]- ставати очевидним
great boost [bu:st]- великий прорив (в кар'єрі)
career [kə'riə]- кар'єра
evoke (positive / negative) emotions [i'vəuk]- викликати (позитивні / негативні) почуття
hymn [him]- гімн
ballad [bæləd]- балада
arise (sadness / sorrow) [ə'raiz]- піднімати, викликати (смуток / жаль)
accept the trophy [ək'sεpt trəufi]- приймати трофей
thrust [θr˄st] -штовхати тикати
yell [jεl] -кричати
voice range [vois reindჳ] - голосовий діапазон
octave [oktiv] - октава
А тепер прочитайте інформацію про українських співаків.
Підручник вправа 7 а ст153, 154 (читати)
Виконай письмово в зошиті. Скинути на електронну адресу!
True or False
1) Ruslana won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2009. _________
2) Ruslana enjoys having active public life._____________
3) Ruslana didn't take part in political life of Ukraine._____________
4) Jamala's talent became evident when she was in her teens.___________
5) A great boost in Jamala's career happened when she won the New Wave -2009.__________
6) Song "1944" is about the deportation of Crimean Tatars._____________
А зараз зайдіть на посилання і прослухайте одну з найпопулярніших пісень Джамали,
пісню "1944"
Простав пропущені слова. Не користуйтеся підказкою.
When strangers are coming...
They _______ to your house,
They kill you all
and say,
We’re not _______
not guilty.
Where is your mind?
_____________ cries.
You think you are _________.
But everyone dies.
Don't _________ my soul.
Our souls
We could build a _________
Where people are free
to _______and love.
The happiest time.
Where is your __________?
Humanity rise.
You think you are gods
But ____________ dies.
Don't swallow my soul.
Our souls
Говоріння / Письмо
Дайте відповіді на питання (письмово) Скиньте на електронну адресу!

План роботи на тиждень (30.03 - 03.04)
1. Урок
Підручник вправаи 8, 9 стор 168. Написати в зошиті. Скинути на електронну адресу!Читання
Підручник вправа 11 стор 168 Виконати усно.
Vocabulary box стор 156. Виписати і вивчити!
Підручник вправа 1a стор 155, 156 Читати і перкладати (усно)
вправа 1b стор 157 (усно)
вправа 2а стор 157 Дати відповіді на питання в зошиті.Скинути на електронну адресу!
2. Урок
Виконати тест в зошиті. (Або можна роздрукувти аркуші і виконати завдання на них)
1) Match ( 1- drums, 2- ....)

2) Проставте слова в розповідь. Дайте відповіді на питання. Виконати письмово. Скинути на електронну адресу!

План роботи на тиждень (27.04 - 01.05)
Розпочинаємо нову тему A Daily, A Weekly, A Monthly
Read the information in the table page 184
1. Урок
1) New Vocabulary page 183, 186 Write down and learn the words.
2) Read the text.

3) Write down these expressions. Remember them!
learn about news from ...- дізнаватися новини з......
learn what is happening in the country - дізнаватися про те, що відбувається в країні
publish serious articles - публікувати серйозні статті
entertain the readers - розважати читачів
express certain political opinion - виражати певну політичну думку
choose according to political beliefs -обирати відповідно до політичних переконань
suit your interests - відповідати інтересам
have advantages - мати переваги
nothing can substitute newspaper - нічого не може замінити газету
4) Answer my questions Скинути на електронну адресу!
1. Do you read newspapers? Why? Why not?
2. What daily and weekly newspapers or magazines do you know?
3. What periodicals would you prefer to read? Why?
4. Do you think it is convinient to subscribe to newspapers and magazines? Why? Why not?
2. Урок
Exercise 2 page 185 Read and translate.
Exercise 3, 4 page 187 (orally)
3. Урок
1) New Vocabulary page 189 Write down and learn words.
2) Read and translate the text
Today, the daily newspapers of Britain can be divided very easily into two groups. The first group consists of the «quality» newspapers, which provide their readers with important political and other news of the day at home and abroad. These papers include The Times and The Daily Telegraph of London, The Guardian of Manchester, and a lot of other newspapers published outside London. Most of these newspapers have a circulation of only between 100,000 and 300,000, and The Daily Telegraph has a circulation of about a million. The great majority of these newspapers are strongly conservative in their politics, but they report fairly fully on political events, so that an intelligent reader can form some idea of what is going on in the world.
The second group of newspapers consists of the popular press. They do not report important world events, if a political story is sensational enough they will report it, but most of their space is devoted to what only can be described as gossip and personalities. Film stars' babies, murder cases, and divorces often take most of place in their columns. These «popular» papers include the Daily Express and the Daily Mirror both with circulation of over four million daily and theDaily Mail, the Daily Sketch with circulation of between one million and two million. For every Englishman who reads one of the «serious» newspapers there are ten others who read the «popular» newspapers.
Big business advertisers have an enormous effect on the major part of the British daily press. It happens because it costs much more to print and distribute each copy of a paper than the reader pays for his copy. Since the publishers of the popular newspapers are capitalists, who are in the business for the profits which they can make, they do not want to work at a loss, so they sell whole pages, half pages, and smaller space in their newspapers to the advertisers for them to make propaganda for their goods. The income from such advertisements is enormous: a full page advertisement in theDaily Express costs the advertiser £ 10,000. The advertiser is only ready to pay this very large sum of money because he knows that his advertisement will be read by at least four million people.
Скинути на електронну адресу!
Ex. 1. Match English and Ukrainian equivalents.
1. daily newspapers
2. intelligent reader
3. sensational events
4. a copy of a paper
5. make propaganda for the goods
6. income is enormous
а. рекламувати товари
b. щоденні газети
с. розумний читач
d. прибуток величезний
е. сенсаційні події
f. екземпляр газети
Ex. 2. Choose the right word.
1. Today the daily newspapers in England can be ... into two groups.
a) published b) provided c) divided
2. The quality newspapers are strongly ... .
a) conservative b) important c) sensational
3. Film stars' babies, murder cases, divorces often take most of place in their ... .
a) copies b) pages c) columns
4. The income from the ... is enormous.
a) propaganda b) advertisements c) newspapers
Ex. 3. Complete the sentences.
1. Today the daily newspapers in England can be divided into ... . 2. The first group consists of ... . 3. The second group of newspapers consists of ... . 4. Big business advertisers have an enormous effect on ... .
Ex. 4. Insert the right word.
reviews magazines periodicals weeklies journals wide-range
Weekly and monthly ... are a very important element in the British press. There are about 8,000 ... in the United Kingdom, which are classified as «general», «specialized», «trade», «technical» and «professional». General and specialized periodicals include ... of general interest, women's magazines, publications for children, etc. There are journals specializing in a ... of subjects. The highest circulation belongs to women's... Woman and Woman's Own. The most important ... are the Economist, the Spectator and the New Statesman.
Ex. 5. Mark true or false sentences.
1. British newspapers can be divided into «quality» and «popular» newspapers. 2. The great majority of «quality» newspapers are strongly conservative in their politics, but they report fairly fully on political events, so that an intelligent reader can form some idea of what is going on in the world. 3. «Popular» press reports important world events. 4. «Popular» papers include The Times and the Daily Telegraph. 5. For every one Englishman who reads one of the «serious» newspapers there are ten others who read the «popular» newspapers. 6. Big business advertisers have little effect on the major part of the British press.
Ex. 6. Answer the questions on the text.
1. What are the two groups of British daily newspapers? 2. Are the «quality» newspapers strongly conservative? 3. What items do the «popular» newspapers report? 4. Can you name any «quality» and «popular» newspapers? 5. Are the Englishmen fond of «popular» newspapers? Why? 6. Why does big business have an enormous effect on the daily press?
План роботи на тиждень (11.05 - 15.05)
1. Урок
Виконайте чотири вправи. Скинути на електронну адресу!
2. Урок
Розпочинаємо вивчати нову тему Geographical Outlook
1) New Vocabulary page 206, 213. Write down and learn the words.
2) Підручник вправа 2 (a, b) ст 212 (читати і перекладати усно)
Вправа 3 ст 214 (письмово) Скинути на електронну адресу!
3. Урок
1) New Vocabulary page 216 Write down and learn the words.
2) Підручник вправа 4 ( a, b) ст 214, 215 (читати і перекладати усно)
Вправа 6 ст 216 (письмово) Скинути на електронну адресу!
План роботи на тиждень (18.05 - 22.05)
1 Урок
Сьогодні поговоримо про означений артикль the з географічними назвами
Сьогодні поговоримо про означений артикль the з географічними назвами
Підручник сторінка 201 (таблиця) Прочитайте, зверніть увагу на те , з якими географічними назвами вживається означений артикль the.
Прочитайте правила вживання артикля. За один раз вивчити ці правила дуже важко, тому опрацьовуйте ці правила поступово
Ми вживаємо артикль the з :
- назвами озер (lake) - the Baikal, the Synevyr
але, якщо в назві озера присутнє слово Lake, тоді артикль не ставимо - Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario
- назвами морів (sea) - the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, the Red Sea
- назвами річок (river) - the Amazon, the Dniper, the Thames
- назвами океанів (ocean) - the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean
- морськими затоками ( gulf \ current ) - the Gulf Stream (Гольфстрім), the Florida Current
- назвами каналів (channel) - the English Channel (La Manche)
- назвами пустель (desert) - the Sahara, the Gobi Desert
- назвами водоспад (waterfalls \ falls) - the Niagara Falls, the Canadian Falls
- назвами гірських хребтів (коли більше однієї гори) (mountain) - the Carpathians, the Alps
але, якщо одна гора, тоді без артикля - Hoverla , Ben Nevis, Everest
- групами островів (island) - the British Isles, the Bahamas, the Philippines,
але якщо один острів, тоді без артикля - Madagascar, Cyprus, Greenland
- з географічними регіонами - the Crimea, the Middle East
- визначними місцями (будівлями) - the National Gallery, the Tower of London
- прізвищем, коли мова йде про всіх членів сім'ї (обов'язково в кінці прізвища додаємо закінчення - s ) - the Smiths the Blakes
Ми не вживаємо артикль the з :
- назвами континентів - Europe, Asia, Africa, Antarctica,
- назвами країн - Ukraine, Canada
але, якщо країна складається з декількох частин ( штатів, островів), тоді вживаємо артикль - the USA, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom
- назвами міст, містечок і сіл - Lviv, Sosnivka, Silets
- назвами вулиць, площ і парків - Shevchenko Street, Trafalgar Square, Hyde Park
- іменами, прізвищами - Bill Smith
I. Insert the definite article where appropriate. Вставте означений артикль the де необхідно.
1) ……..United Kingdom
2) …….. Germany
3) ……… Amazonia
4) …….. Mount Everest
5) ……… European Union
6) ……….Thames
7) ………Holland
8) ………East Borneo
9) ……….USA
10) ………Isle of Man
11) ……….Northern Africa
12) ……….Indian Ocean
13) …………Baltic Sea
14) …………Middle East
15) …………Western Hemisphere
16) …………Cape Horn
17) …………Iberian Peninsula
18) …………Great Britain
19) …………Niagara Falls
20) ………….Mount Fuji
21) ………….Himalayas
22) ………….Oklahoma City
23) ………….North Pole
24) …………..Kingdom of Denmark
25) …………..Sahara
26) …………..Silicon Valley
27) …………..Black Hills
28) ……………Kalahari Desert
I. Insert the definite article where appropriate. Вставте означений артикль the де необхідно.
1) ……..United Kingdom
2) …….. Germany
3) ……… Amazonia
4) …….. Mount Everest
5) ……… European Union
6) ……….Thames
7) ………Holland
8) ………East Borneo
9) ……….USA
10) ………Isle of Man
11) ……….Northern Africa
12) ……….Indian Ocean
13) …………Baltic Sea
14) …………Middle East
15) …………Western Hemisphere
16) …………Cape Horn
17) …………Iberian Peninsula
18) …………Great Britain
19) …………Niagara Falls
20) ………….Mount Fuji
21) ………….Himalayas
22) ………….Oklahoma City
23) ………….North Pole
24) …………..Kingdom of Denmark
25) …………..Sahara
26) …………..Silicon Valley
27) …………..Black Hills
28) ……………Kalahari Desert
II. Insert the definite article where appropriate.
Charlie Chaplin was born in _______ (1) England in 1889. At the age of 23 he moved to ________ (2) USA where he had his major successes. But, in 1952, accused of un- American activities he returned to _________ (3) Unitrd Kingdom, and finally made home in _____ (4) Switzerland.
III. Insert the definite article where appropriate.
IV. Insert the definite article where appropriate.
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