Зайдіть на посилання. Слухате пісню щодня !!!
Прочитайте діалог. Випишіть невідомі слова.
Повторіть утворення та вживання Past Perfect з попередніх уроків.
I Прочитайте текст.
Напишіть чи речення правдиве чи ні. True / False
II.Напишіть вправу в зошиті.
III. Прочитайте текст. Дайте відповідь на питання.
Підручник вправа 1 ст 132, 133. Читати і перекладати (усно)
5) A young football player wasn't an excellent student. ________
Виконайте тест в зошиті. Скинути на електронну адресу!
I. Give some advice to the people who have problems with health. The following word combinations will help you. Start with: You should..... or You shouldn't......
A. go to the dentist 1) I've got a sore throat. - ______________________________________
B. drink cold water 2) I'[ve got a headache. - ______________________________________
C. take some medicine 3) I've got a bad cough. - ______________________________________
D. stay in bed 4) I've got a temperature. _______________________________________
E. eat fast food 5) I've got a toothache. _________________________________________
F. watch TV too much 6) I've got a stomachache. - _____________________________________
II. Read the text and the statements to it. Mark them as true (T) or false (F).
Once a small boy was attracted with a sign above the door of the store that read "Puppies for Sale".
"How much are you going to sell the puppies for?" the boy asked the store owner.
"Anywhere from $30 to $50."
"I have $2.37", he said. "Can I please look at them?"
The store owner smiled and whistled and out of the kennel came Lady followed by five tiny balls of fur.
One puppy was lagging considerably behind. The store owner explained that it was ill and it would always limp.
The little boy became excited. "That is the puppy that I want to buy."
"If you really want him, I'll just give him to you."
The little boy got quite upset. He said, "I don't want you give him to me. I'll pay full price. I'll give you $2.37 now, and 50 cents a month untill I have him paid for."
The store owner argued, "But this little dog is never going to be able to run and jump and play with you like the other puppies."
To his suprise, the little boy reached down and revealed a badly twisted, crippled left leg supported by big metal brace. He looked up at the store owner and softly replied, "Well, I don't run so well myself, and the little puppy will need someone who understands!"
___ 1) A small boy wanted to buy a hamster.
___ 2) The money the boy had was not enough to buy a puppy.
___ 3) Lady was the mother of the puppies.
___ 4) The puppies were small and puffy.
___ 5) One puppy couldn't hear well.
___ 6) The little boy wanted a puppy that limped.
___ 7) The store owner presented the puppy to the boy.
___ 8) The boy insisted on paying the full price for the puppy.
___ 9) The boy needed a puppy to run and jump and play with him.
___ 10) The boy had a damaged leg so he believed he could become a good friend to the puppy.
III. Use the prompts to make up sentences like in the example.
A. What had Peter done before he started coughing and sneezing?
0) go for picnic
Before he started coughing and sneezing, Peter had gone for a picnic.
1) swim in the cold river
2) sleep in the tent
3) stay in the rain
4) get cold
5) get wet
B. What did Peter do after he had fallen ill?
0) call the doctor
After he had fallen ill, he called the doctor.
1) take the temperature
2) go to the chemist's
3) take some medicine
4) stay in bed
5) drink a lot of warm tea
IV. Read and fill in the correct item.
1) The nurse wrapped a _____ round my sprained ankle.
a) bandage b) injection c) band
2) The doctor gave me a _____ for some medicine.
a) receipt b) recipe c) prescription
3) After a car accident, John needed an ____ on his leg.
a) operation b) injection c) infection
4) The ____ was not so painful as I expected.
a) disease b) therapy c) injection
5) The doctor told me to take ____ twice a day before meal.
a) medicine b) fever c) surgery
6) When Teresa broke her arm, she had to spend a month in _____.
a) plaster b) band c) remedy
7) Last night she ____ an aspirin to stop her head aching.
a) prescribed b) took c) suffered
8) The dentist says I've got dental caries - that's _____ or holes in the teeth.
a) decay b) a wound c) a hurt
2. Урок
Розпочинаємо вивчати нову тему Entertain Yourself!
Запишіть слова в словник і вивчіть!!!
a movie - a film -фільм
a comedy - комедія
a science fiction film - науково фантастичний фільм
a cartoon - мультик
a historical film - історичний фільм
a horror film - фільм жахів
a musical - мюзикл
an action film - бойовик
a thriller - трилер
a documentary - документальний фільм
detective film - детиктив
an adventure film - пригодницький фільм
entertainment - розваги
leisure - дозвілля
to entertain - розважати
to have leisure - відпочивати, проводити дозвілля
entertaining - розважальний
depressing - гнітючий
gripping - схоплюючий, охоплюючий
fantastic - фантастичний, нереальний
predictable - передбачуваний
brilliant - чудовий, блискучий
romantic - романтичний
funny - кумедний
awful - жахливий
exciting - захоплюючий
boring - нудний
spectacular - видовищний
convincing - переконливий
fascinating - чарівний, захоплюючий
confusing - такий, що бентежить
2) Пройдіть вікторину. Опрацюйте невідому лексику у вікторині самостійно (зі словником) В зошиті напишіть 23 речення. Скинути на електронну адресу!
План роботи на тиждень
1 Урок
1) Сьогодні вивчимо зворотні займенники.
Підручник сторінка 146
Утворюються зворотні займенники так:
Однина Множина
I - my
self We - our
You - your
self You - your
He - him
self They - them
She - her
It - it
- Вони відповідають зворотному займеннику
себе та частці
Look at yourself. - Подивись на себе.
- Вони виконують підсилювальну функцію, акцентуючи суб'єкт чи об'єкт діїї ( сам )
I don't know this myself. - Я й сам не знаю цього.
- Дієслова
behave ( поводитися)
feel ( почуватися )
afford ( дозволити собі )
вживаються без зворотних займенників.
I feel well. - Я почуваюся добре.
He behaves as usual. - Він поводиться як звичайно.
- Зворотні займенники з прийменником by мають два значення
1. самостійно \ без допомоги I am sure I will do it by myself. - Я впевнений я зроблю це самостійно.
2. один \ самотньо Do you live by yourself? - Ти живеш один?
- Help yourself \ yourselves........- Пригощайтесь (беріть)......
Підручник вправа 1, 2 сторінка 146, 147 (письмово)
Скинути на електронну адресу!
2) Підречник вправа 1 ст 142-144. Відповіді на питання дати усно.
2 Урок
Запишіть слова в словник і вивчіть!!!
a character ['kæriktə] - герой, персонаж
a plot [plot] - сюжет
a title ['taitl] - назва
catchy ['kæt∫i] - яскравий, привабливий
an action ['æk∫n] - дія
an audience ['o:diəns] - публіка, глядачі
a romance [rəu'mæns] - романтика
an evil ['i:vl] - зло
a power ['pauə] - сила
a teenager ['ti:neidჳə] - підліток
enjoyable [in'dჳoiəbl] - такий, що приносить насолоду; приємний
an adventure [əd'vent∫ə] - пригода
a cast [ka:st] - склад акторів
a performance [pə'fo:məns] - вистава, виступ (на сцені)
a play [plei] - вистава
a scenery ['si:nəri] - декорації для сцени
a stage [steidჳ] - сцена
to act [ækt] - діяти, чинити, грати на сцені
to perform [pə'fo:m] - виступати , представляти, грати ( на сцені )
to stage [steidჳ] - ставити на сцені ( виставу)
Підручник вправа 1 ст 148, 149 Читати і дати відповіді на питання усно.
Вправа 2 ст 149 (письмово)
Дайте відповіді на питання письмово.
Скинути на електронну адресу!
1) What is your favourite film?
2) What is it about?
3) What are the names of the characters of the film?
4) What are the names of the actors and actresses who play in this film?
5) What was the title of the last film you have seen?
План роботи на тиждень
1 Урок
Запишіть слова в словник і вивчіть!!!
go sightseeing ['saitsi:iŋ]- оглядати визначні місця
go on a tour [tuə]- поїхати в турне
look around - оглядати
get lost - заблудитись
guide book [gaid]- путівник
take photos [teik fotos]- робити фотографії
an architect ['a:kitekt]- архітектор
a dome [dəum]- купол
a skyscrapers ['skaiskreipə]- хмарочос
to collapse [kə'læps]- руйнувати, зазнати краху
to destroy [di'stroi]- знищувати
to save [seiv]- рятувати
to whisper ['wispə]- шепотіти
huge [hju:dჳ]- величезний
medieval [nedi:vəl]- середньовічний
an observation [obzə'vei∫n] - спостереження
to afford [ə'fo:d] - дозволити собі, спромогтися
to observe [əb'zз:v] - спостерігати
fashionable ['fæ∫ənbl] - модний
impressive [im'presiv] - вражаючий
magnificent [mægn'nifisənt] - чудовий, неймовірний
Підручник вправа 1 ст 155- 157 Читати і перкладати усно.
Вправа 2 ст 157 (усно)
2 Урок
Підручник вправа 3 (b) ст 158 - 160 Читати і перекладати усно.
Вправа 3 (а) ст 158 (усно)
Дайте відповідь на питання письмово.
Скинути на електронну адресу!
1) Who brought Christianity to the eastern Slavs?
2) When was the Great Fire of London?
3) Who was Bartelomeo Rastrelli? What did he do?
4) What famous building did Norman Foster design?
5) Where was Yaroslav the Wise buried?
6) Where can you find the Whispering Gallery?
7) What street was named after Apostol Andriy?
8) Who founded St. Sophias Cathedral?
9) What building is the home of the British government?
10) What street can you see the monument to the heroes of Revolution of Dignity in Kyiv?
11) What did Yaroslav Horodetsky build?
12) Who is the British Prime Minister now?
Семестрові контрольні роботи !!!
I. Семестрове читання (Summative Reading)
Прочитайте текст і виконайте завдання після нього.
The Story of Sindbad the Sailor
Once upon a time, in a faraway eastern country, in Baghdad city, there lived a sailor. His name was Sindbad. He liked to sail to strange countries. Sindbad lived in great poverty. He wanted to make the great fortune. He decided to go to sea, and then set sail.
The voyage started pleasantly enough. But after some days a great storm blew up and his ship came to a wonderful island. As he sat foot on it, Sindbad wondered what he would find in this strange island. That's why he climbed up a high palm tree and in the distance he saw a big bird's egg. Sindbad wondered what bird could lay such a big egg. Suddenly he saw a bird flying in the sky. It was a huge bird called the Roc. It was so big that it could carry an elephant. It was the most gigantic and legendary bird of the Orient. Sindbad hid himself not far from the egg as the Roc sat on it. Then he had an idea!
Could he use the bird to escape from the island? He tied himself to the leg of the huge bird. When the Roc flew off, Sindbad went with it. He was surprised. The bird flew higher and higher, until they were lost in the clouds.
Suddenly they began to drop. The bird flew down and down, and Sindbad saw a lovely valley below. The Roc landed very softly and Sindbad quickly untied himself. Then he looked around in astonishment. The valley was covered with huge sparkling stones. They were diamonds.
But oh, no! The treasure was guarded by an angry serpent who opened up its great jaws and was ready to eat him up. But Sindbad succeeded in tricking the serpent and escaped with precious stones in his pockets.
Luckily, a whale took him back at all speed to Baghdad, his native city. He gave a diamond to each member of his family. With the rest of the dimonds Sindbad built a very beautiful palace. Some time passed and Sindbad wanted to have a new voyage and more adventures.
strange - невідомий
to lay - знести
huge - велетенський
gigantic [dჳai'gæntik] - гігантський
Orient - Схід
hid himself - сховався
to escape - втікати
tied himself - прив'язав себе
to drop - спускатися
to flow down - летіти нижче
valley - долина
below - внизу
to land very softly - дуже м'яко приземлитися
to untie oneself - відв'язатися
in astonishment - зі здивуванням
to be covered (with) - бути вкритим
sparkling - мерехтливий
diamond [daiәnt] - діамант
treasure ['treჳә] - скарб
to be guarded - бути під охороною
serpent - змія
precious ['pre∫әs] - дорогоцінний
whale [weil] - кит
native - рідний
Завдання пишіть в зошиті. Речення пишіть повністю. ( Можна завдання роздрукувати і виконати)
Якщо виконуєте в зошиті, то напишіть дату:
Monday, the 25th of May
Summative Reading
The Story of Sindbad the Sailor
I. Choose the correct answer. / Оберіть правильну відповідь.
1) Sindbad the sailor lived ______
a) in an island b) in Baghdad c) in the mountains
2) Sindbad liked ______
a) to collect precious stones b) to swim in the river c) to sail to strange countries
3) Sindbad was _______
a) a very rich man b) a very poor man c) a very strong man
4) Where did his ship come to one morning? _________
a) It came to a beautiful island. b) It came to a big city of Baghdad. c) It came to a big seaport.
5) In the distance Sindbad saw _______
a) a serpent b) a whale c) a huge bird's egg
6) What did Sindbad decide to do? _________
a) to break the egg b) to tie himself to the leg of the bird c) to kill the bird
7) Where did the Roc carry Sindbad?
a) It carried him to a lovely valley. b) It carried him to a strange island. c) It carried him to his native city.
8) The treasure was guarded by _______
a) an eagle b) a serpent c) a monkey
9) Who helped Sindbad to go back to his native city Baghdad?
a) an eagle b) the Roc c) a whale
10) What did he do when he returned home?
a) He didn't give anything to each member of his family.
b) He dug his treasure in the ground.
c) He gave a diamond to each member of his family.
II. Say who did the following. (Write the name) / Хто це зробив? ( Напишіть ім'я)
1) __________ liked to sail to strange countries.
2) __________ could carry an elephant.
3) __________ clomed up a high palm tree.
4) __________ flew down and down.
5) __________ saw a lovely valley below.
6) __________ opened up its great jaws and was ready to eat Sindbad up.
7) __________ escaped with precious stones in his pockets.
8) __________ took Sindbad back to Baghdad.
9) __________ built a beautiful palace.
10) _________ gave a diamond to each member of his family.
III. Say true or false. / Напиши правдиве речення чи неправдиве.
1) Once upon a time in Rome there lived a sailor. ___________
2) He was very rich man. ___________
3) He wanted to make the great fortune. ____________
4) He decided to go to sea and then sat sail. _________
5) One day his ship came to a wonderful seaport. ___________
6) In distance Sindbad saw a big bird. _________
7) The bird was so small that it couldn't even fly in the sky. ________
8) Sindbad couldn't escape from the island. ___________
9) The Roc brought him on a lovely valley. __________
10) The valley was covered with huge diamonds. _________
11) They were guarded by an angry eagle. _________
12) A whale took him back to Baghdad. ________
Скиньте на електронну адресу. Обов'язково!
Семестрові контрольні роботи !!!
IІ. Семестрове аудіювання (Summative Listening)
Зайдіть за посиланням. Прослухайте відео і виконайте завдання.
Завдання виконайт в зошиті. Речення пишіть повністю. ( Можна завдання роздрукувати)
В зошиті напишіть дату:
Wednesday, the 27th of May
Summative Listening
Loch Ness Monster
Task I. ( Напишіть True / False )
1) There are few lakes in Scotland? ________
2) The lake is very deep. _________
3) There have always been lots of stories about beasts in the water in Scotland. _______
4) St. Columba took the first photo of the monster. _________
5) St. Columba returned from the evening service, when he saw the monster. ________
6) The modern legend of Loch Ness dates back to 1953. _______
7) Loch Ness is a famous tourist attraction. _______
8) If you see St. Columba, you will be rich. ________
9) Newspapers pay a lot of money for the pictures of Nessie. _______
10) Robert Wilson was a colonel. ________
11) Some people believe that Nessie may be a marine dinosaur. ______
12) Dan Taylor saw the monster in the depth of the lake, but it was too dark and he couldn't take a photo. ___________
Task II. ( Оберіть правильну відповідь )
1) What language can speak the Scots? _____________
a) Scottish and Welsh
b) English and French
c) English and Scottish
2) Where is Loch Ness situated? _______________
a) In Southern Scotland
b) In Western Scotland
c) In Northern Scotland
3) What is the average depth of the lake? _________
a) 500 metres
b) 400 metres
c) 300 metres
4) What did St. Columba see? __________
a) A monster in the lake.
b) A monster on the shore.
c) A monster in the mountains.
5) What was the monster doing when St. Columba saw it? ________
a) It was swimming.
b) It was attacking a man.
c) It was eating a man.
6) What happened after St Columba prayed? ________
a) The monster took the victim under the water.
b) The monster ate the victim.
c) The monster left the victim.
7) What made the modern legend of Loch Ness popular? ______
a) A newspaper article.
b) A photo taken by Dan Taylor.
c) St. Columba's story.
8) What was Colonel Robert Wilson? _______
a) Victim
b) journalist
9) What did one of Wilson's friends say after many years? _________
a) It was a toy dinosaur.
b) It was a real monster.
c) It was a toy submarine.
10) What kind of heads did marine dinosaurs have? ___________
a) Awful
b) Small
c) Big
11) What nationality was Dan Taylor? _________
a) American
b) English
c) Scottish
12) How did people call Taylor's underwater craft? _________
a) Yellow craft.
b) Yellow submarine.
c) Yellow equipment.
Скиньте на електронну адресу. Обов'язково!
Семестрові контрольні роботи !!!
III. Семестрове письмо (Summative Writing)
Виконайте в зошиті. (Можна виконати на аркуші А4)
Friday, the 29th of May
Summative Writing
Write short story. Choose the topic.
Напишіть розповідь (не менше 12 речень). Оберіть тему.
Теми на вибір:
1) Write about sport in your life.
2) Write about your favourite places to visit.
3) Write about your favourite movie.
Скиньте на електоронну адресу! Обов'язково
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