Дистанційне навчання
Дорогі учні, ми працюємо дистанційно в Zoom. До зустрічі і не спізнюйтесь!
з 02.11.2020 - 06.11.2020
1) Урок англійської мови 02.11.20 відбудеться в 11:30.
ID 6678452808
Passcode xN1N99
Домашнє завдання: 12 sentences with gerund; learn rules in your copybook
2)Урок англійської мови 03.11.20 відбудеться в 11:30.
ID 6678452808
Passcode xN1N99
Домашнє завдання: 12 sentences with infinitive; learn rules in your copybook
3) Урок англійської мови 06.11.20. Ви працюєте самостійно!!!!!
Book: ex 1 p 46, 47 ( read, translate and write the answers)
Домашнє завдання: Book ex 4 p 50-52 (read); ex 5 p 52 (write)
з 09.11.2020 - 13.11.2020
1) Урок англійської мови 09.11.20 відбудеться в 11:30.
ID 6678452808
Passcode xN1N99
Домашнє завдання: Book ex 4, 5 p 64
2) Урок англійської мови 13.11.20 відбудеться в 14:30
ID 6678452808
Passcode xN1N99
Сьогодні до 18:00 виконайте тест на сайті На Урок. Ви будете обмежені в часі.
Код 2389316
Домашнє завдання:
Answer the questions
Why do people go in for sports?
What do excessive exercises do to your health?
What sports do you like to play? (What sports do you like to watch?)
What sport would you like to take up? Why?
What sports don't you like? Why?
What professional teams or athletes do you like? Why?
Прошу учнів виконані завдання скидати на мою електронну адресу.
Вкажіть ім'я та прізвище учня. Завдання виділені зеленим кольором виконувати обов'язково. План роботи на тиждень (16.03 - 20.03)
1. Урок
Випишіть лексику і перекладіть. Вивчити слова та вирази.
This picture is
- portrait;
- landscape;
- seascape;
- urban painting;
- scene from everyday life of…
- battle painting;
- still life;
- flower piece;
- animal piece;
- wall painting (fresco);
- historical painting;
- mythological painting
- paint from nature / memory / imagination;
- develop his/her own style of painting;
- break with the tradition;
- be ahead of his/her time;
- ignore the rules;
- expose the dark sides of life;
- portray people / emotions / the subject with
sincerity / restraint;
- depict a person / a scene / the mood of…;
This painting is
- a family group portrait;
- shoulder-length portrait
- half-length portrait
- knee-length portrait
- full-length portrait
- a self-portrait
colors in the painting are
- cool and restful;
- soft and delicate;
- vivid and brilliant;
- dull and oppressive;
This work of art is
- an unsurpassed masterpiece;
- moving and lyrical in tone and atmosphere;
- romantic and poetic;
- depressing;
- a colorless dab of paint;
- cheap and disappointing
Опишіть улюблену картину використовуючи опрацьовану лексику. Прошу виконати домашнє завдання і вислати мені на електронну адресу.
2. Урок
Підручник вправа 5 ст 191 Виконану вправу скинути на електронну адресу.
План роботи на тиждень (23.03 - 27.03)
1. Урок
Зайдіть на посилання і прслухайте діалог (двічі, тричі)
Transcript of the dialogue
Ashlie: What about this, Stephen?
Stephen: Typical, Ash. You choose the biggest thing in the market for your tiny flat.
Ashlie: Well, yeah... I guess it is a bit too big. Let's look over there.
Stephen: We can’t take too long. We’ve got to go and say hello to Pete.
Ashlie: Yeah, OK... We're at an art market – it's a kind of market where artists sell their art.
Stephen: Ashlie wants to buy some art for her flat and she’s already seen about ten things she wants to buy.
Stephen: Hi, Pete. How's it going?
Stephen: Hi, Pete. How's it going?
Pete: Hi, guys. Great, thanks. It’s quite busy today. There’s lots of people buying things.
Ashlie: Wow... so you're actually making some money?
Pete: Yeah, of course. This is a great place to sell art.
Stephen: Right, well, let me give you a hand. You need a proper salesman!
Ashlie: Right, OK – you stay here. I'm off to find some art for my flat.
Stephen: OK, but don’t be gone too long – and don’t spend all your money!
Ashlie: Hi there. Ooh, how much are these?
Stallholder: They’re twelve pounds.
Ashlie: They’re very cool. Are they all your own designs?
Stallholder: Yeah, they are. Liachild is my own brand.
Ashlie: Good luck with it!
Stallholder: Thanks a million.
Ashlie: Thanks.
Stallholder: Thank you.
Stephen: So what did you buy, then?
Ashlie: Nothing, actually, but I’ve got an idea that could make us some money!
Stephen: What is it?
Ashlie: Well, I'm going to make some art, come back to the market and sell it! Brilliant idea, huh?
Stephen: Yes, excellent idea! Except one thing... You're not an artist.
Ashlie: Well, I can learn, can't I? All great artists had to start somewhere.
Stephen: Well, if it's that easy, why don't we both try and make some art? And then come back next week and try and sell it?
Ashlie: Stephen, I reckon you won’t be able to sell a single thing.
Stephen: Sounds like a challenge. Why don't we make it a bit more exciting?
Ashlie: In what way?
Stephen: Well, the one who sells the most is the winner... and the winner gets to keep all the money we make. Agree?
Ashlie: Agree.
Stephen: Ah! You’re going to be giving all your money to me!
Ashlie: Oh, yeah, right, whatever. Come on then, I need to get some inspiration.
Stephen: So this is art, is it?
Ashlie: Err, yes, Stephen, it is.
Stephen: Looks like a pile of old junk to me.
Ashlie: Art is all about ideas. Try and look at what the artist is trying to say.
Stephen: This is harder than I thought.
Ashlie: Come on, let's have a look over there.
Stephen: So Ash – what do you think of this? I have been trying to understand the message. What is the artist trying to say here?
Ashlie: Well, what do you think, Stephen?
Stephen: I guess he's trying to make us think about the modern world. He’s using a rubbish bin to show how everyday objects...
Ashlie: Stephen – that is a rubbish bin. Come on, you. Let’s make some art!
I. Put the events in the same order as in the video.
1. Ash goes looking round the market on her own._______
2. Ash decides to make and sell her own art.__________
3. Ashlie thinks about buying a big painting.__________
4.Ash talks to a man who' s selling a T-shirt._________
5. Stephen and Ash agree to a competition.________
6. Stephen and Ash visit an art gallery. _________
7. Stephen and Ash meet Pete. __________
II. Decide if the sentences are true or false.
1. Ashlie's looking for some art for her flat. ____________
2. She's already bought ten things. ____________
3. The market is busy but Pete isn't selling much. ______________
4. The T-shirts cost twelve pounds each. ______________
5. Stephen and Ash decide to make some art together. _____________
6. They'll try to sell their art at the market next week. _______________
7. They agree to share the money they make. _______________
2. Урок
I. Remember these world-famous museums and galleries
1.Tretyakov Gallery (Russia, Moscow)
2. The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts (Russia, Moscow)
3. The Hermitage (Russia, Saint Petersburg)
4. The British Museum (Great Britain, London)
5. The National Gallery (Great Britain, London)
6. The Tate Gallery (Great Britain, London)
7. The Victoria and Albert Museum (Great Britain, London)
8. The Louvre (France, Paris)
9.The Museum of Ukrainian Art (Ukraine, Kyiv)
10. The Museum of Western and Eastern Art (Ukraine, Odesa)
11. Musee d`Orsay (France, Paris)
2. The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts (Russia, Moscow)
3. The Hermitage (Russia, Saint Petersburg)
4. The British Museum (Great Britain, London)
5. The National Gallery (Great Britain, London)
6. The Tate Gallery (Great Britain, London)
7. The Victoria and Albert Museum (Great Britain, London)
8. The Louvre (France, Paris)
9.The Museum of Ukrainian Art (Ukraine, Kyiv)
10. The Museum of Western and Eastern Art (Ukraine, Odesa)
11. Musee d`Orsay (France, Paris)
II. Read the text and answer the questions.
The National Gallery
The National Gallery in London houses the national collection of Western European painting, comprising more than 2000 pictures dating from late 13th to the early 20th century. The pictures belong to the public and access to them is free, as it has been since the Gallery was founded in 1824. All European art schools are represented in the Gallery. All great artists are represented by masterpieces and the collection shows the international nature of European painting at all period since the Renaissance. The collection is housed in the building designed by William Wilkins in 1838.
The Gallery is situated in the centre of London, in the famous Trafalgar Square. The collection includes canvases by Italian, Spanish, French and English painters. Pictures of Hogarth, Turner, Constable, Gainsborough and Reynolds are exhibited there. Thousands of tourists and Londoners visit the National Gallery and enjoy the beauty of it collection.
Письмово. Скинути на електронну адресу!
1. When was the National Gallery founded?
2. Where is it situated?
3. The Gallery houses the national collection of Western European painting,
doesn’t it?
4. Whom do the pictures in the Gallery belong to?
5. Does the collection show the international nature of European painting or not?
6. What canvases does the collection include?
7. Picture of what English painters are exhibited there?
8. Who visits the National Gallery in London?
2. Рольова гра «Екскурсія до картинної галереї»
3 Урок
I. Read the text and do the (three) tasks after it. Письмово. Скинути на електронну адресу!

План роботи на тиждень (30.03 - 03.04)
Ми розпочинаємо вивчати нову тему "Occupations"
Далі подана лексика з цієї теми. Багато з цих слів і виразів вам відомі. Прочитайте і перекладвть їх усно. Незнайомі слова і вирази запишіть в словник. Зверніть увагу на підкреслені слова. Вивчіть їх!!!
Особливу увагу зверніть на абзаци виділені кольором!!!
Jobs and Professions
Management (Менеджмент / Управління)
president; vice-president; director; manager; executive officer; CEO (chief executive officer; company executive officer); deputy director; managing director; financial director; marketing director; general manager; assistant manager; manager; production manager; personnel manager; marketing manager; sales manager; project manager; supervisor; inspector; controller;
Office workers (Офісні працівники)
office worker; office employee; office clerk; filing clerk; receptionist; secretary; assistant; typist; stenographer;
Banking and financial activities (Банкінг / Фінансова діяльність)
banker; bank officer; economist; auditor; accountant; bookkeeper; teller; cashier; bank clerk; financier; treasurer; investor; sponsor; stockbroker; pawnbroker; tax collector;
Sales and stores (Торгівля і магазини)
sales representative; sales manager; salesperson; salesman; saleswoman; salesgirl; salesclerk; cashier; seller; buyer; wholesale buyer; wholesaler; retailer; merchant; distributor; dealer; trader; advertising agent; grocer; greengrocer; baker; butcher; florist;
Medicine (Медицина)
doctor; physician; family doctor; general practitioner; eye specialist; ear specialist; throat specialist; heart specialist; cardiologist; surgeon; pediatrician; psychiatrist; psychoanalyst;dentist; dietitian; pharmacist; veterinarian; nurse; paramedic; nurse's aide;
School and college (Школа і коледж)
principal; dean; professor; teacher; instructor; schoolteacher; college teacher; university teacher; head teacher; senior teacher; tutor; mentor; counselor (BrE: counsellor); teacher of mathematics; mathematics teacher; math teacher (BrE: maths teacher); English teacher; teacher of English; history teacher; music teacher; student; pupil; learner;
Science (Наука)
scientist; scholar; researcher; explorer; inventor; mathematician; physicist; chemist; biologist; botanist; zoologist; historian; archaeologist; geologist; psychologist; sociologist; economist; linguist; astronomer; philosopher; geographer;
IT specialists (Комп'ютерні спеціалісти)
computer specialist; computer programmer; computer operator; software specialist; systems analyst; systems administrator; web developer; web programmer; webmaster; web designer;
Art and creative work (Мистецтво і творчість)
artist; painter; sculptor; architect; composer; conductor; musician; pianist; violinist; guitarist; drummer; player; singer; dancer; opera singer; ballet dancer; performer; film director; producer; art director; cameraman; actor; actress; player; writer; poet; author; playwright; dramatist; scenarist; publisher; journalist; reporter; correspondent; photographer; designer; fashion designer; dress designer; interior designer; furniture designer; graphic designer;
Construction, repair, maintenance (Будівництво, ремонт, технічний ремонт)
builder; construction worker; developer; contractor; engineer; technician; mechanic; electrical engineer; electrician; welder; bricklayer; mason; carpenter; plumber; painter; decorator; repairer; repairman; maintenance man; handyman; caretaker; housekeeper; cleaning lady; cleaning woman; janitor;
Pilots, drivers, crew members (Пілоти, водії. члени екіпажу)
pilot; flight engineer; flight navigator; flight attendant; stewardess; dispatcher; mechanic; car mechanic; railroad worker; railway worker; driver; chauffeur; taxi driver, cabdriver; bus driver; truck driver; captain; skipper; navigator; sailor;
Law and order (Закон і порядок)
judge; lawyer; attorney; legal adviser; barrister; solicitor; police officer; policeman; traffic officer; detective; guard; bodyguard; lifeguard; warden; prison guard;
Restaurants (Ресторани)
chef; head cook; cook; maitre d'hotel (maitre d'); headwaiter; waiter; waitress; bartender; barman; barmaid; dishwasher; busboy;
Other (Інші професії)
firefighter, fireman; tailor; seamstress; postman, mailman; travel agent; travel guide; model; politician; porter; editor; proofreader; printer; translator; interpreter; librarian; jeweler (BrE: jeweller); telephone operator; coal miner; farmer; farm worker; fisherman; hunter; forester; gardener; hairdresser; hair stylist; barber; beautician; cosmetologist; specialist; expert; consultant; adviser; priest; clergyman;
Places of work (Місце праці)
office; agency; company; firm; corporation; business firm; enterprise; plant; factory; restaurant; department store; bank; hospital; hotel; school; university; library; theater; museum; art gallery; transportation company; shipping company; construction company; publishing company; film company; insurance company; advertising agency; travel agency; rental agency;
Related terms (Вирази пов'язані з темою Occupation)
to look for a job; to find a job; to apply for a job; to get a job; to offer a job; to hire; to be hired; to fire; to be fired; to be laid off; to lose one's job; to quit; to quit one's job; to leave; to resign; to retire; employment; unemployment; unemployed; jobless; job seeker; letter of application for a job; resume; CV; job interview; work agreement; contract; employer; employee; co-worker; promotion;
Describing a job (Опис роботи)
a job in electronics; a teaching job; a position as secretary; an interesting job; a boring job; a good job; a difficult job; a challenging job; a well-paid job; a highly paid job; a low-paid job; a badly paid job; a full-time job; a part-time job; a permanent job; a stable job; a temporary job; to work full-time; to work part-time; to have a part-time job; to be on the staff; a staff of ten workers; a staff member; a member of staff; to work overtime; to work on weekdays; to work on Saturdays; a day off;
Describing workers (Опис робітників)
worker, employee, workman, laborer (BrE: labourer); skilled workers; unskilled workers; qualified workers; experienced workers; a full-time worker; a part-time worker; a temporary worker; a freelance worker; seasonal workers; manual workers; blue-collar workers; white-collar workers;
Pay, taxes, benefits (Платня, податки, пільги)
pay; wages; salary; earnings; fee; bonus; tips; income; payday; payment; to be paid by the hour; to be paid by the month; to earn (to get, to make) money; monthly pay; weekly pay; hourly pay; yearly pay; annual pay; monthly salary; yearly salary; annual salary; salaried workers; weekly wages; hourly wage; minimum wages; low wages; high wages; gross pay; net pay; take-home pay; overtime pay; severance pay; gross earnings; net earnings; average earnings; annual earnings; taxes; expenses; deductions; dues; fine; penalty; compensation; fringe benefits; sick leave; maternity leave; holiday; vacation; pension plan; medical insurance; health insurance; accident insurance; life insurance;
Приклади речень і вирази пов'язані з темою перекладіть усно.
Pay: Examples in sentences (Платня: Приклади речень)
She gets ten dollars an hour. She is paid ten dollars an hour. Her hourly pay is ten dollars.
He gets two thousand dollars a month. His monthly pay is two thousand dollars. His monthly salary is two thousand dollars.
They get twenty-three thousand dollars a year. Their annual pay is $23,000.
His salary is thirty-four thousand dollars a year. His salary is $34,000 a year.
He earns thirty thousand dollars a year. He earned twenty thousand dollars last year by writing short stories. She earns two thousand a month.
How much do you earn? How much did you get last year? How much does he make?
Related phrases (Вирази пов'язані з темою)
What do you do? What business are you in?
I am a teacher. I am a car dealer. I am a freelance writer.
I am a sales representative. I sell computers.
I work as a psychologist. I work as a stockbroker.
I work at a bank. I work at a small travel agency.
I work at a hotel. I work at a transportation company.
I work for a newspaper. I work for a film company.
I am in real estate. I am in advertising.
I have a small business of my own.
I am a homemaker. I work at home.
I am unemployed at the moment. I am looking for a job right now.
I am looking for a job in marketing. I am looking for a job as a driver.
I am seeking a position as librarian. I am seeking a position as office clerk.
He is looking for a place as a housekeeper. She is looking for a place as a cook.
I'd like to apply for a job. I'd like to apply for the position of shop assistant.
He was offered the position of salesclerk. She has a position as cashier.
Note: work, labor, job, position, profession, occupation (Різниця між цими словами)
work (работа, праця любого характеру) – hard work; easy work; manual work; physical work; intellectual work.
I have a lot of work today. He is at work now. My work is very interesting. What work do you do?
labor, BrE labour (праця, робота, важка праця) – manual labor; physical labor.
Manual labor is hard and tiring.
job (работа, оплачувана наймана праця) – He lost his job last month. Do you like your new job? She wants to change her job.
position (становище, посада, місце) – How long did you work in your previous position?
profession (професія) – The profession of a doctor requires a lot of training. He is a lawyer by profession.
occupation (заняття, професія) – Write your name, age and occupation on this line. What is his occupation? What is your favorite occupation? – Reading.
Зайдіть на посилання і пройдіть онлайн тест.
Note: Names of jobs and professions are usually formed with the help of the suffixes ER, OR, IAN, IST, ANT, ENT. Often, names of jobs and professions are compound nouns, and some of them may have variants of spelling.
Письмово виконати вправу. Скинути на електронну адресу!
Look at these expressions which all use the word work. Use some of the
expressions to complete the sentences below.
work long hours work shifts work overtime work flexitime in work out of work
at work get down to work
1. Nurses have to _________________. Sometimes they are _______________ during the day, and sometimes through the night.
2. In my company we _________________. We can start at any time between 8 and 10 in the morning.
3. Salesmen often ____________________, starting early in the morning and finishing late at night.
4. I usually finish work at 5, but if I have to __________________, finishing at 7 or 8, I don’t mind, because I get paid more money.
5. Before getting this job I was ___________________ for six months. It was boring and I had very little money. I’m glad that I am ____________________ now.
6. I’m finding it very difficult to ____________________ at the moment. I keep looking out of the window and day dreaming.
work long hours work shifts work overtime work flexitime in work out of work
at work get down to work
1. Nurses have to _________________. Sometimes they are _______________ during the day, and sometimes through the night.
2. In my company we _________________. We can start at any time between 8 and 10 in the morning.
3. Salesmen often ____________________, starting early in the morning and finishing late at night.
4. I usually finish work at 5, but if I have to __________________, finishing at 7 or 8, I don’t mind, because I get paid more money.
5. Before getting this job I was ___________________ for six months. It was boring and I had very little money. I’m glad that I am ____________________ now.
6. I’m finding it very difficult to ____________________ at the moment. I keep looking out of the window and day dreaming.
План роботи на тиждень (27.04 - 01.05)
1. Урок
ReadingExercise 1 page 205. (Read the text and answer the questions in written form) Скинути на електронну адресу!
2. Урок
Exercise 2 page 206 (Read and translate orally)
Exercise 3 page 206 (Do in written form) Скинути на електронну адресу!
3. Урок
Adverb clauses of purpose are introduced by the subordinating conjunctions that, so that, in order that.
Adverb clauses of result or consequence are introduced by the subordinating conjunctions that, so…that, so that and such…that.
Adverb clauses of purpose are introduced by the subordinating conjunctions that, so that, in order that.
Adverb clauses of result or consequence are introduced by the subordinating conjunctions that, so…that, so that and such…that.
- He is such a good man that all respect him. (такий ... що...)
- He spoke in such a low voice that few people could hear him. (таким.... що....)
- They fought so bravely that the enemy fled. (так... що ....)
- Emergency-room doctors work long hours, so they rarely get enough sleep. (тому...)
- Emergency-room doctors work such long hours, that they rarely get enough sleep. (так...що...)
- He spoke loudly in order that everybody would hear him. (для того, щоб ...)
- He drove fast so that he could get to work on time. (щоб...)
That is often omitted. (опустити)
- She was so weak that she could hardly stand. (She was so weakshe could hardly stand.)
- It was so hot that we didn’t go out. (It was so hot we didn’t go out.)
Exercise 1 page 201 (Written form) Скинути на електронну адресу!
План роботи на тиждень (11.05 - 15.05)
1. Урок
Сьогодні повторимо граматичну тему Past Perfect i Past Perfect Continuous.
Подивіться три відео:
Виконайте завдання усно.

Put the verbs into the correct form (Past Perfect Continuous). Виконати усно.
- We (sleep) for 12 hours when he woke us up.
- They (wait) at the station for 90 minutes when the train finally arrived.
- We (look for) her ring for two hours and then we found it in the bathroom.
- I (not / walk) for a long time, when it suddenly began to rain.
- How long (learn / she) English before she went to London?
- Frank Sinatra caught the flu because he (sing) in the rain too long.
- He (drive) less than an hour when he ran out of petrol.
- They were very tired in the evening because they (help) on the farm all day.
- I (not / work) all day; so I wasn't tired and went to the disco at night.
- They (cycle) all day so their legs were sore in the evening.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets ( Past perfect or Past Perfect Continuous). Use contractions where possible. Виконайте письмово.
Скинути на електронну адресу!
1) Peter was Sally's best friend. She ______ (know) him all her life.
2) The children were wet because they ________ (play) football in the rain.
3) We were very hungry because we ________ (not \ eat)
4) I was delighted when I found my keys. I _________ (look) for them for hours.
5) She was exhausted because she _________ (work) since eight o'clock that morning.
6) Everything was white because it ________ (snow).
7) The passengers were cross because the airline _______ (lose) everyone's bags.
8) I _______ (not, see) Jacob for several years, but I recognised him immediately.
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